Piercing Aftercare
ORAL PIERCING: Rinse with antiseptic mouth wash (scope is NO good) every time you eat, drink, or smoke for 2 weeks. Eat soft food during the initial healing period. Swelling may occur which is normal. You can gently suck on ice to reduce the chances of swelling.
LIP/ LABRET or CHEEKS: You must clean the external side with antibacterial soap 2 times a day for 4-6 weeks. Make sure your hands are clean before cleaning your new piercing or when tightening your jewelry. Rinse with antiseptic mouth wash ( scope NO good) every time you eat, drink, or smoke for 4-6 weeks.
FACIAL: EYEBROW, BRIDGE, SEPTUM, AND LIP: You must clean your piercing with antibacterial soap 2 times a day for 4-6 weeks. Crust formed around the new piercing is normal so do not pick at it. Wait 4-6 weeks before changing jewelry and no chlorine water for 4-6 weeks.
NIPPLES/ NAVELS: Clean 2 times a day with antibacterial soap for 8-12 weeks. gently clean jewelry until the crust is removed. Turn jewelry or move up and down to clean inside of the piercing.
F-M GENITALS: Clean 2 times a day with antibacterial soap for 8-12 weeks. Gently clean jewelry until the crust is removed. Turn jewelry to clean inside of the piercing. Urinating after cleaning is recommended to flush the area.
MICRO DERMAL: The healing process is 3-6 months. Clean twice a day with antibacterial soap. Keep it covered overnight for 30 days with a round Band-Aid. NOTE: in the event the micro dermal starts to sink in, tape the top of the micro dermal with medical tape to your skin to hold it up until it sets.
NOTE: No oral sex for 2 weeks for oral piercings. No sex until the healing period is completed to void aggravating the piercing or possible infection in order to obtain optimum healing in the interest of good hygiene and safety for genital piercings, please use protection. External piercings should not go in chlorine water during the healing period (pools, Jacuzzi, hot tubs, etc.)
HELPFUL TIPS: Always use a paper towel or gauze when drying the pierced area. Pat dry and never wipe. Change your bedsheets and pillowcase to prevent cross-contamination
Your piercings and tattoos will only look good as you care for it properly!